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The defining mark of a christian

🌟 The Defining Mark of a Christian 🌟

It's easy to get caught up in outward symbols and achievements. But what truly defines us as believers is the love we show to others. 💖

Dive into our latest blog post on 1 John and explore the essence of sacrificial love. Discover how small acts of kindness can reflect Jesus' ultimate example of love. 🌿✨

Join us in making a difference, one small act of love at a time. Let's show the world what it means to truly love as Jesus did. 🙏💕

#LoveInAction #TrueFaith #SacrificialLove #KnownAndLoved

The Mark of True Believers

In the world of faith, actions speak louder than words. The essence of being a true believer is not about the outward symbols we carry or the labels we wear. It's not about the size of your Bible, the stickers on your car, or the music you listen to. It's about how we live our lives and, more importantly, how we love others. The Bible teaches us that sacrificial love is the defining characteristic of a child of God.

In 1 John 3:10-15, it is evident who belongs to God and who does not. Those who do not practice righteousness or love their brothers and sisters are not of God. Love is the primary proof of our identity as believers. Jesus emphasized this in John 13:34-35, stating that people will recognize us as His disciples by our love for one another. Love should be our highest priority, our main objective, and our greatest ambition. Without love, all our achievements and possessions are meaningless.

Jesus: Our Model for Sacrificial Love

Jesus exemplifies the ultimate act of love. 1 John 3:16 tells us that we know love because He laid down His life for us, and we should do the same for our brothers and sisters. This is the essence of sacrificial love—putting others' needs above our own, just as Jesus did. It's not just about grand gestures but also about small, everyday acts of love.

Mother Teresa famously said, "There are not great actions; only small actions done with great love." This means that every act of kindness, no matter how small, is significant. Whether it's making dinner for your family, listening to a friend, or helping a neighbor, these are all acts of love that reflect Jesus' example. The best way to show love is by giving our time, a resource we can never get back, making it a true sacrifice.

Living Out Sacrificial Love

Living a life of sacrificial love requires a change of heart. 1 John 3:17-18 challenges us to see the needs around us and respond with action, not just words. If we have the means to help but close our hearts to those in need, how can God's love be in us? This kind of love is not something we can achieve on our own; it is empowered by the gospel and the example of Jesus.

Jesus didn't just teach about love; He demonstrated it through His actions. His life was a testament to loving others selflessly. To live out this love, we need to receive more of God's love so that we can pour it out to others. It's about allowing God's love to transform us, enabling us to love in ways that go beyond our natural capabilities.

The Importance of Love

At the end of the day, the most important thing we can do is to be a person of love. Our work, hobbies, achievements, and possessions will all fade away, but love endures (See 1 Corinthians 13). Life is not about how much we earn, acquire, or accomplish; it's about how we love. When we focus on loving God and loving others, we fulfill our true purpose.

So, how can you become more loving today? Is there someone in your circle of influence (family, friends, neighbor, co-worker) who needs more of your time and attention?


— Daniel mackey

Youth Pastor - [Multiply]Family of Churches

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Ever wondered about the true nature of sin and how it affects your spiritual journey? Our latest blog post explores the depths of sin, the deceptive nature of pride, and the complexities of living a righteous life. 🌿🛤️

Discover how understanding these concepts can lead to genuine transformation and a closer relationship with God. 🙏✨

➡️ Read our new blog post now!

Join the conversation and let’s grow together in faith! 💬❤️

#SpiritualJourney #Faith #Transformation #ChristianLiving #Righteousness #OvercomingSin #GraceAndHumility #BibleStudy #1John3 #Romans7 #CommunityOfFaith

No matter how you look at it, this topic is always something to avoid. Either someone is wayyy too heavy handed with the hell, fire, and brimstone or they cheapen the mess out grace and offer a million free passes. Or my favorite of all…they avoid the topic altogether. I, thankfully??, wasn’t given such an opportunity. Let me tell about the life changing “scene” that made it inherently clear sin was something I couldn’t avoid. 

About 12 years back, I was home watching the movie, 127 Hours. I was very curious about it because I knew it was based on a true story. A young man, living life to the fullest, most frequently enjoys bike riding and rock climbing. One day, while climbing, he slips. He falls…and a boulder comes with him! While I’m grateful he wasn’t crushed in the process, he does somehow manage to get his hand caught between a rock wall and that boulder. I’ll save you the details, except to say he “single handedly” did what he could to walk away with just a single hand. I’ll leave that there. Though that was one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen, the revelation I got was even crazier to me. I came to realize that the same way he separated himself from his hand (Sorry! That’s the details. Just sayin.) is what it’s like for us to separate ourselves from sin in our lives. I couldn’t unhear it, and now you can’t. You’re welcome. And with that frame, let us approach the topic at hand.

Understanding the Nature of Sin

So the first thing I feel needs to be done as we approach this topic is to actually really talk about it, and before we go anywhere we need to dispel a major myth. Buckle up! Here we go! *takes deep breath…Sin is more than just a single act of wrongdoing; it is a state of being that separates us from God. According to 1 John 3:4-10, everyone who sins breaks God’s law, and all sin is contrary to the law of God. However, Jesus came to take away our sins, and in Him, there is no sin. Therefore, anyone who lives in Him does not continue to sin. This distinction is crucial: committing a sin and living in sin are different. The former is a momentary lapse, while the latter is a habitual lifestyle that signifies a deeper disconnection from God. These are not the same.

The Bible provides clear examples of this difference. King David, despite his grievous sins, repented and sought God’s heart and didn’t have a continuation of issues concerning one particular sin. Moses, on the other hand (Yeah. That Moses), avoided an anger issue for 39…really 79 years that kept him from entering the promised land. Though he’s still in the Hall of Faith, it’s a major tell that in his faithfulness he was denied the one thing connected to what he was CALLED TO ACCOMPLISH in leading the people. If you can’t say amen…you know.

The Deceptive Nature of Pride

Now that that’s out the way, let’s focus on the basics of what sin actually is. There’s a Bible verse that lays out the basics well. Proverbs 21:4 states, "Haughty eyes, a proud heart, and evil actions are all sin." Pride manifests in various forms: haughtiness or considering oneself above others, a prideful heart which tends to boast in both one’s abilities and inabilities (people really aren’t trying to talk about that…I digress), and evil actions which are ultimately  resisting God’s transformative power. Pride deceives us into thinking we are self-sufficient, and it blinds us to our need for God’s grace.

Scripture repeatedly warns against pride. It leads to destruction (Proverbs 16:18), breeds quarrels (Proverbs 13:10), and deceives the heart (Jeremiah 49:16). The antidote to pride is humility. James 4:6 says, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." Therefore, embracing humility allows us to receive God’s grace and fosters a genuine transformation in our hearts. If we don’t choose to do this, there’s only one other option: humiliation. They sound similar, but trust you choose which one and the former is much better than the latter.

The Complexity of Sin and Human Nature

Sin is multifaceted and deeply rooted in human nature. Romans 7:14-25 vividly describes the internal struggle against sin. Even the apostle Paul acknowledged his battle with sin, stating, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do, but what I hate, I do." See that Paul said this. Paul. No, seriously!! Righteous, world changing, church planting, ⅔ of the whole New Testament writing Paul! Be encouraged by this. If he struggled, we may still be doing something right. But yeah. This passage indeed underscores the ongoing conflict between our sinful nature and our desire to live righteously. Stay the course.

Understanding this complexity also helps us avoid judgment and extend grace to others. We are all on a journey of sanctification, gradually becoming more like Christ. This process requires perseverance and community support. Surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who hold us accountable and encourage us is essential for spiritual growth. It’s not easy, but with all the resources He gives us it can be done.

Living a Righteous Life

Living a righteous life involves more than avoiding sin; it requires actively pursuing a relationship with God and loving others. 1 John 3:10 states, "Anyone who does not live righteously and does not love other believers does not belong to God." Righteous living is marked by obedience to God’s commands and genuine love for others.

The Bible emphasizes that our actions should reflect our faith. It’s not enough to merely profess belief; our lives must demonstrate it. This involves daily choices to resist sin, seek God’s guidance, and show love and kindness to those around us. By doing so, we reflect the transformative power of Christ in our lives.

True transformation begins with understanding the nature of sin and recognizing our need for God’s grace and mercy. If you don’t start there, then please do yourself the favor of not passing go. We don’t have the cross without the understanding of grace and mercy for us. We have to have it for others. By confronting our pride, embracing humility, and committing to a life of righteousness, we can experience genuine spiritual growth. The journey of faith is ongoing, and we must support one another in our pursuit of living out God’s will. Let us strive to be like Jesus, reflecting His love and grace in all we do.

Stay the course. Championing you!!


— Jordan Brown

Pastor (Ministries and Outreach) [OV] Church

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Known & Loved [Multiply]Family of Churches Known & Loved [Multiply]Family of Churches

Father’s day 2024: The Goodness of god

🌟 Experience The Goodness of God! 🌟

Feeling disconnected from your spiritual strength? Yearning for a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with Jesus? Our latest blog post, "The Goodness of God," is here to inspire and guide you on your journey. 🌿✨

🚶‍♂️ Learn how to abide in Christ and overcome life’s challenges.

👨‍👩‍👧 Embrace your identity as a cherished child of God.

⏳ Live with hope and anticipation of Christ’s return.

💪 Discover the transformative power of strong spiritual fatherhood.

Join us as we explore the incredible goodness of God and how it can fill your life with joy and strength. Click the link below to read more and be inspired. Your path to a deeper, more joyful faith starts here. 🙏💖

#FaithJourney #ChristianLiving #GoodnessOfGod #SpiritualGrowth #AbideInHim

Nowadays, it's easy to become disconnected from our source of spiritual strength. Just as a battery weakens when left uncharged, so too does our faith when we distance ourselves from Christ. The Apostle John, writing in the late first century, emphasized the importance of abiding in Jesus. By staying close to Him, we draw the courage and strength needed to navigate life’s challenges. Proximity fosters a healthier relationship, and this principle applies to our spiritual walk as well. Prioritize prayer, immerse yourself in the Word, and engage with fellow believers to maintain a vibrant and robust faith.

The Assurance of Salvation

Abiding in Christ not only strengthens our faith but also assures us of our salvation. John’s letters remind us that our faith is evidenced by how we live and love. As we grow in our relationship with Jesus, our lives reflect His light more clearly. This process, known as sanctification, brings us closer to the image of Christ. When we wonder why our faith feels weak or why we lack courage in our Christian walk, the answer often lies in our proximity to Jesus. Reconnecting with Him through spiritual disciplines ensures that our faith remains strong and vibrant.

Discovering Our Identity as Children of God

One of the most profound truths in John’s writing is our identity as children of God. This identity is grounded in His great love for us. Despite the world’s skepticism and the pain of earthly fatherlessness, we have a heavenly Father who loves us deeply and unconditionally. This reality is transformative. Knowing we belong to God reshapes our self-perception and how we relate to others. It calls us to live in a way that reflects our divine heritage, loving others as God loves us.

Living in Anticipation of Christ’s Return

John speaks of the hope we have in Christ’s return. This future promise should inspire us to live pure and holy lives today. We are called to anticipate the day when we will see Jesus face-to-face, transformed into His likeness. This anticipation is not just a distant hope but a present motivation. As we look forward to His return, we are encouraged to remain steadfast in our faith, pursuing purity and righteousness. Philippians 1:6 assures us that He who began a good work in us will carry it to completion. This promise gives us the confidence to live out our faith boldly and joyfully.

Strength in Spiritual Fatherhood

John also highlights the importance of strong male presence in both the family and the church. Statistics show the profound impact of fathers on their children's spiritual journey. Men are called to rise to the occasion, embodying the love and strength of Christ in their homes and communities. By doing so, they lead their families toward a deeper relationship with God. The church thrives when men embrace their role as spiritual leaders, setting an example of faith and love.

Running to the Father

As we navigate our spiritual journey, let’s remember to run to our heavenly Father with the eagerness of a child returning home. Abiding in Christ, we find strength, assurance, and joy. Embrace your identity as a child of God and live in the hope of His return. Fathers, step into your role with confidence and love. Together, let’s cultivate a community that reflects the light of Christ, drawing others into the fullness of joy found only in Him.



[Multiply] Executive Director

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True Joy: Standing Firm in Faith and Truth

🌟 True Joy: Standing Firm in Faith and Truth 🌟

Are you searching for a deeper sense of joy and purpose in your life? Discover the profound source of joy that surpasses all worldly pleasures! 🌅✨

In our latest blog post, we explore:

🔹 How to find complete joy in a relationship with Jesus Christ

🔹 The importance of resisting false teachings and clinging to the truth

🔹 The true test of faith and what we believe about Jesus

🔹 The power of abiding in Christ and living out our faith daily

Join us on this journey to true joy and stand firm in faith and truth. Let's walk together towards a life filled with divine joy and unwavering faith. 🙏❤️

#Faith #Joy #Truth #Jesus #ChristianLiving #SpiritualJourney #NewBlogPost #Inspiration

In our fast-paced lives, the pursuit of joy often feels elusive. We chase fleeting pleasures and momentary satisfactions, only to find ourselves yearning for something deeper. But there is a profound source of joy available to us, one that surpasses all worldly delights: the joy found in a true relationship with Jesus Christ. John, one of Jesus' closest disciples, emphasizes this in his writings, urging us to embrace this divine joy by living a life of faith and obedience. He reminds us that our joy is made complete in Christ, who invites us to put away the darkness of sin and walk in the light of His truth.

The Battle Against Deception

We live in a world where false teachings abound, constantly challenging the truth of the gospel. John's message is clear: resist these false teachings and cling to the truths of Scripture. The presence of false teachings is a testament to the reality of Christ and the ongoing spiritual battle for our souls. As the gospel spreads, so too do the deceptions of the enemy. Yet, there is hope and victory in this battle. The presence of these falsehoods only underscores the truth and power of the gospel. We must be vigilant, discerning, and rooted in the truth to navigate these challenges.

The True Test of Faith

What we believe about Jesus Christ is the most crucial aspect of our faith. John warns that anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ is propagating a dangerous error. These false teachings seek to redefine and diminish the true nature and work of Jesus. Recognizing Jesus as the Son of God, the Savior, and the perfect sacrifice is essential for a right relationship with God. How we perceive Jesus directly impacts how we live our lives. If we acknowledge Him as our Savior and Lord, it compels us to devote our lives to Him, offering our time, talents, and treasures in service to His kingdom.

The Power of Abiding in Christ

To remain steadfast in our faith, John encourages us to abide in the teachings of Christ. This means holding fast to the truths revealed in Scripture and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us. Believers are gifted with the Holy Spirit, who teaches and reminds us of all that Jesus has taught. By abiding in Christ, we have all we need for salvation and full joy. This abiding is not passive; it requires active engagement with God's Word and a commitment to living out our faith daily. As we do so, we are equipped to discern truth from error and stand firm against the deceptions of the enemy.

A Call to Action

In this spiritual battle, it is vital to remain rooted in the truth and vigilant against deception. The joy and assurance of our salvation in Christ empower us to live boldly and faithfully. Let us embrace this joy, resist false teachings, and abide in the truth of God's Word. By doing so, we not only secure our faith but also become beacons of truth and love in a world desperately in need of the gospel. Let us fix our hearts and minds on Jesus, the source of our joy and the foundation of our faith, and live in the fullness of His grace and truth.



[Multiply] Executive Director

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Beyond Age: Living God's Will

🌟 New Blog Post Alert! 🌟

Are you ready to dive deep into your faith journey? Check out our latest blog post: "Beyond Age: Living God's Will." 🙏✨

Discover how embracing forgiveness, overcoming worldly challenges, and truly living out God's will can transform your life at any stage. This powerful message is for everyone, whether you're young in faith or spiritually mature. 🌿

👉 Click the link to read now and be inspired to grow in your spiritual journey: [Link to Blog Post]

Let's walk this path of faith together and find eternal fulfillment in God's love and purpose! 💖

#FaithJourney #SpiritualGrowth #GodsWill #Forgiveness #OvercomingEvil #NewBlogPost

Hot take that I’m willing to bet is rather undisputed:
I’ve seen believers as young as their 10’s and teens that have more faith, wisdom…dare I say maturity than a believer in their 70’s and 80’s. And it’s not even up for discussion! 

If this offends anyone, I’d encourage them to consider why…nevermind. I digress. I bring up this mildly disrespectful statement to make a primary point we’ll dive into in a bit, but let’s start with some unpacking. 

Keeping it simple, it’s hopefully easy to understand that our relationship with God begins with embracing the fundamental truth that our sins are forgiven. Amen! And this isn’t  just a message for children but for all believers, regardless of age or spiritual maturity. In 1 John 2:12, we are reminded that our sins are forgiven for His name's sake. This forgiveness is not a mere formality; it is the bedrock of our relationship with God. It allows us to approach Him with confidence, knowing that we are cleansed and accepted.

Knowing the Father goes beyond a surface-level acknowledgment. It’s not just believing. Many who don’t believe in “God” still believe there’s something out there. Also, remember the Bible says even demons believe! Jam. 2:19 It is an intimate understanding that shapes our entire being. This profound knowledge is what distinguishes mere belief from genuine faith. As believers, we must do all we can to know God. This depth of our knowing, our relationship is reflected in our actions, decisions, and the way we live our lives daily.

Spiritual Maturity and Overcoming Evil

Spiritual maturity is a key theme in the Christian journey. John addresses different groups within the faith—those who are God’s children, and they who are either mature and young in the faith—highlighting their unique roles and stages of them. Those who are mature in faith are recognized for their deep knowledge of Christ, who existed from the beginning. This maturity is not just about age but about the depth of their relationship with God and their understanding of His eternal nature.

For the young in faith, John commends their strength and victory over the evil one. This strength is not their own but comes from God's Word living in their hearts. Overcoming evil is a significant milestone in the journey of faith, and it demonstrates the power of God's Word and the resilience it builds within us. This victory is a testament to the transformative power of God's presence in our lives.

But wait…we didn’t say anything about the children…hold that thought. We’ll get there. For now, let’s talk about that good ol’ world.

Loving the Father, Not the World

John’s message is clear: do not love the world or the things in the world. The world, with its fleeting desires and temporary pleasures, cannot offer what the Father gives. The desires of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life are all traps that lead us away from God. These are not from the Father but are from the world, which is passing away along with its desires.

The call to love the Father and not the world is a call to discernment. It is about recognizing what truly matters and choosing to invest in what is eternal. Don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing wrong with “things.” God created them. He created money which can serve us well. Remember it’s the love  of money that’s the root of all evil. Likewise, having things isn’t in and of itself wrong. The passage makes clear it’s when you add words like pride and craving that things begin to change. That’s when a little something called idolatry can, and will, manifest fam.

Doing the will of God ensures that we live forever, as opposed to the temporary satisfaction the world offers. This perspective shift is crucial for living a life that is pleasing to God and impactful in the kingdom.

Living Out God’s Will

Living out God's will is the ultimate expression of our faith. It goes beyond avoiding sin and encompasses actively doing what pleases God. Listen, I’m not saying avoiding sin is impossible but I find it interesting that no one save Jesus was able to do IN THE BIBLE!! And even if someone was, congrats!!! Way to go!! What else you got? That just can’t be it. If it was, then why did Jesus not stop at telling someone “go forth and sin no more?” Why did He then give us the commandment to go forth and make disciples?! Make it make sense. I’ll wait…I’m willing bet you didn’t waste your time. Thank you for that. Real spiritual maturity involves love, obedience, and a commitment to His commands. Deut. 30 is excellent for laying this out, and John emphasizes that knowing God and having our sins forgiven should lead to a transformed life as well—a life that reflects His love and grace.

In practical terms, doing God's will might look different for each of us, depending on our unique callings and circumstances. However, the underlying principle remains the same: our lives should be a testament to God's love and a reflection of His character. By living out His will, we not only secure eternal life for ourselves but also become conduits of His love and grace to others.

Now allow me to help us understand how we can access a proper mind and heart set to know God better and be our most obedient and committed selves. Let’s revisit the verses on children. Going back, a little deep dive reveals we miss a very key element. The “children” we read in v. 12 and 14 aren’t even the same word! Bible nerd, ACTIVATE!! v. 12 is the Greek word teknion- little child – a small child…endearing. John uses this one throughout the letter. (except in v. 18). However, the word used in v. 14 is paidion. This also means little child, but Helps Word Studies shows us when used properly it means a child under training; its root (pais) being a word that means young male/female slave/servant; thus, symbolically a servant of God. The ultimate here is found when you connect each word to its identifying sentence in the passage. Recall the first one, the endeared little children, are connected to those who’ve been forgiven on account of the name of Jesus. But the second, the child who’s in training…they are the one whom the passage says knows God. This is a comforting, yet awkward moment. It’s great to know as children of God that we are “endeared” because we’ve been forgiven, but to know Him we have to continuously be children willing to train?? I’ll give you a moment to reflect as we realize the answer is yes that our commitment to seeking Him is the only thing that expedites our call and purpose. Is it easy? No. Can it be done? Absolutely.

in CLosing

The journey of faith is marked by an ever-deepening knowledge of God, overcoming the challenges posed by the world, and living out His will with unwavering commitment. Age is indeed just a number when it comes to spiritual maturity and the pursuit of God's purposes. Whether we are young or old in the faith, our call is to grow in our relationship with God, reject the fleeting desires of the world, and live lives that glorify Him.


— Jordan Brown

Pastor (Ministries and Outreach) [OV] Church

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Known & Loved [Multiply]Family of Churches Known & Loved [Multiply]Family of Churches

Walking in the Light: Our True Identity in Christ

🌟 Walking in the Light: Our True Identity in Christ 🌟

Are you ready to discover the true essence of your faith? Dive into our latest blog post, "Walking in the Light: Embracing Our True Identity in Christ."

🌿 Explore how living in the light of Christ transforms our lives.

❤️ Understand the importance of genuine love and unity within our community.

🕊️ Learn how obedience to God's commandments reveals our true identity.

This insightful read is perfect for anyone looking to deepen their relationship with God and live authentically in His light.

✨ Let's walk this journey together and shine His light in our world! ✨

#FaithJourney #LivingInTheLight #ChristianLife #TrueIdentity #CommunityOfLove #NewBlogPost

In our journey of faith, one of the most profound challenges is aligning our lives with the identity that Christ calls us to embody. The apostle John offers a powerful reminder about the authenticity of our faith in his writings. To live in Christ means to live in truth, love, and obedience. This article explores how we can embrace our true identity in Christ and avoid the pitfalls of living with a "fake ID."

We All Know “That Person”

Growing up, many of us wanted to believe we were more mature than we actually were. Shame of you if this was the case, but some of us need even more grace because we took our desire to do so to a whole ‘notha level. We went in search of the holy grail of hostility and shenanigans. Yes, I’m speaking of…the FAKE ID!! This “amazing” piece of false equiment would guarantee you cigarettes, six packs, and situations that you had 0 business being a part of! We accessed things that we could partake in (here’s the word) prematurely, and no matter how worth it it seemed many who had one expressed real resentment for using it and the consequences that came if that got caught. 

Ultimately, the lesson learned is that we needed time to grow and mature before we really understood what we were engaging in and how to do so correctly. The same thing can be said for how we grow in our relationship with Christ. Many want to walk fully in Faith, but far too many times aren’t obedient in the maturity of it; the way Christ lived it. And instead of taking the time to learn, grow, and mature they simply pick and choose the things they want to operate in most. All grace, no truth. Allll truth, no grace. No matter how they do it, they operate immaturely. In this way, they don’t fully mature. They use a fake ID. And doing this can…and usually will…have consequences.

Living in the Light

John's epistle emphasizes the importance of living in the light of Christ. "If anyone claims, 'I am living in the light,' but hates a fellow believer, that person is still living in darkness" (1 John 2:9). The metaphor of light and darkness illustrates the stark difference between genuine faith and falsehood. Living in the light means embracing love AND truth (if you can’t say amen, say ouch!), reflecting Christ's nature in all of our actions and relationships. When we harbor hatred or animosity towards others, we stray into darkness, away from the true light of Christ.

We have…a fake…ID.

The call to love one another is not new; it is a commandment we have had from the very beginning. Yet, it remains as relevant today as it was centuries ago. By living in the light, we ensure that our actions do not cause others to stumble, thereby fostering a community that thrives on love and mutual respect.

The Dangers of a Fake ID

The concept of a "fake ID" serves as a metaphor for claiming to be a follower of Christ without embodying His teachings. Just as a fake ID is used to gain premature access to privileges, claiming to know God without obeying His commandments is deceptive and harmful. John warns, "If someone claims, 'I know God,' but doesn’t obey God’s commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth" (1 John 2:4).

And though many believers are well-intentioned and I have no doubt they are, myself included, we might fall into the trap of immaturity in their faith. We might profess faith but fail to live it out. This is never good, but ultimately it damages our witness! The maturity in faith requires a deep commitment to following Christ's teachings and living as He did. This means continuous growth, learning, and transformation, reflecting Christ in every aspect of our lives.

The Power of Obedience

Obedience to God's commandments is a true measure of our love for Him. John asserts, "But those who obey God’s word truly show how completely they love him. That is how we know we are living in him" (1 John 2:5). Obedience is not just about following rules; it is about aligning our hearts and actions with God's will.

Jesus Himself emphasized the importance of living out the commandments through His teachings in the Sermon on the Mount. The entire first chapter of the sermon, chapter 5 (remember, there are three altogether. My bet is He was taking this kinda serious ;-)), Jesus expresses everything from being peacemakers to loving our enemies, laying out a comprehensive guide to living a life that honors God. Obedience to these teachings is a testament to our faith and a crucial aspect of our true identity in Christ. If Jesus actually meant what He said (here’s a hint. He DOES), then many of us have some correcting to do in how we approach and love our neighbor…and God. (If you can’t say amen aga…you get the point.)

Building a Community of Love

The ultimate goal of living in Christ is to build a community rooted in love and unity. Jesus prayed for this unity in John 17, desiring that all believers be one as He and the Father are one. This unity is not about sameness but about oneness, a harmonious relationship built on love and mutual respect in the midst of difference; unity in diversity.

The enemy often tries to drive a wedge into this unity by promoting a false sense of identity, where actions do not align with the professed faith. To counter this, we must strive to live authentically, reflecting Christ's love in our interactions. By doing so, we create a community that embodies the true light of Christ, standing as a testament to His transformative power.

Embracing our true identity in Christ requires living in the light, avoiding the pitfalls of a fake ID, obeying God's commandments, and fostering a loving community. Committing to these principles, ensuring that our lives reflect the truth and love of Christ, thereby fulfills our highest potential in Him. Amen to being “grown” enough to not have the need for a fake ID.


— Jordan Brown

Pastor (Ministries and Outreach) [OV] Church

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Known & Loved [Multiply]Family of Churches Known & Loved [Multiply]Family of Churches

The Great Exchange: Discovering Our Identity in Christ

🌟 Discover Your New Identity in Christ! 🌟

Are you ready for a transformative journey? Dive into our latest blog, "The Great Exchange: Discovering Our Identity in Christ," and explore the profound changes that come from embracing Jesus' love and sacrifice.

📖 Unearth the truths of Jesus as both fully divine and fully human.

🌟 Learn how to walk in the light and reflect His love in your daily life.

🙏 Experience the joy and fullness that come from a deep, personal relationship with Christ.

This isn't just a story; it's an invitation to find your true self in Him. Don't miss out on this life-changing message! Click the link to read more and start your journey today! 💬👇

#FaithJourney #NewIdentity #ChristLove #WalkInTheLight #GreatExchange #TransformativeFaith #DiscoverChrist

In the tapestry of human existence, few moments resonate as profoundly as the encounter between Mary and Jesus at the crucifixion. As Jesus, in His final breaths, entrusted His mother to the care of His beloved disciple John, He performed an act of deep compassion and ensured a new identity for both Mary and John. This poignant moment captures the essence of the "Great Exchange" — a divine transaction where Jesus offers us a new identity, rooted in His love and sacrifice.

The Apostle John, who witnessed this exchange firsthand, illuminates this transformative truth in his writings. Known for his deep personal relationship with Jesus, John’s message in his first epistle revolves around the identity shift we undergo when we embrace Christ. John, a man who experienced the fullness of Jesus’ ministry, from the miracles to the resurrection, urges us to understand and live out our new identity in Christ.

The Dual Nature of Jesus

John’s firsthand account is not just a historical record but a personal testimony of encountering Jesus as both fully divine and fully human. This dual nature of Christ is crucial. Jesus, the “Word of life,” was with God from the beginning and yet entered our world, taking on human flesh. John emphasizes this to counteract the false teachings of his time, such as Gnosticism, which denied the humanity of Christ.

By affirming Jesus’ humanity, John underscores the tangible reality of God’s love. Jesus was not a distant deity but one who walked among us, shared in our experiences, and ultimately sacrificed Himself for our sins. This reality invites us into an intimate relationship with God, bridging the chasm between the divine and the human.

Walking in the Light

John’s message is clear: to know God is to walk in the light. God is light, and in Him, there is no darkness at all. This light represents truth, purity, and life. As followers of Christ, we are called to reflect this light in our daily lives. Walking in the light means living in a way that aligns with God’s truth, acknowledging our sins, and allowing Jesus’ sacrificial blood to continually cleanse us.

Confession and repentance are vital in maintaining this walk. John warns against self-deception, urging us to confront our sins honestly. When we acknowledge our need for forgiveness, God, who is faithful and just, cleanses us from all unrighteousness. This ongoing process of cleansing is not about attaining sinlessness on our own but relying on Jesus, our advocate, who pleads our case before the Father.

The Transformative Power of Jesus

The essence of John’s message is that knowing Jesus personally transforms us. It’s not merely about adhering to a set of beliefs but about a profound relationship with the living Christ. This relationship brings fullness of joy, a joy that surpasses all circumstances and challenges.

John’s life and writings challenge us to examine our own identity. Are we living as those who are deeply loved by Jesus? Do we reflect the light of Christ in our interactions and decisions? This identity shift requires us to commit to God and His people, to stop delaying obedience, and to embrace the transformation that comes from living in the truth of who Jesus is.

Our New Identity

To live in this new identity, we must first submit to God’s transforming work in our lives. This begins with prayer, allowing God’s Word to shape us, and connecting deeply with His people. As we do this, we experience the fullness of joy that John speaks of — a joy rooted in the assurance of our salvation and the reality of our intimate relationship with God.

As we go about our lives, let us remember that we carry the light of Christ within us. This light is meant to shine in the darkest places, bringing hope and truth to a world in desperate need. By living out our identity in Christ, we not only find our own joy but also draw others into the transformative power of Jesus’ love.

John’s message is both a reminder and a call to action. It reminds us of the profound love and sacrifice of Jesus, which gives us a new identity, and it calls us to live out this identity with joy, integrity, and purpose. Let us embrace this great exchange and walk boldly in the light of Christ, knowing that we are deeply loved and called to share that love with the world.



[Multiply] Executive Director

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Like Son, Like Mother: Something About Mary

Like Son, Like Mother: Something About Mary

🌟 The Angelic Encounter 🌟

Mary, calmly going about her day, gets a visit from the angel Gabriel with big news: she's to be the mother of Jesus (Luke 1:26-38). Her response? A humble, "I am the Lord's servant."

🙏 Mary's Faith 🙏

Despite the extraordinary news, Mary trusted God's plan. Her faith and obedience made her "blessed among women" (Luke 1:42).

🕊 A Model of Trust 🕊

Unlike Zechariah, who doubted Gabriel's message, Mary believed and embraced her role, showing us that faith is about trust, not understanding every detail.

🌼 Conclusion 🌼

Let’s celebrate Mary’s example of faith and trust in God's plan. Like Son, like mother.

Curious to learn more? Read the full story on our blog and be inspired by Mary's incredible faith journey!

Introduction: The Unusual Suspect

Ah, Mother's Day. A time to celebrate the unsung heroes who brought us into this world and, despite everything, didn't leave us in a basket at the neighbor's doorstep...or take us out. And in this moment, I believe it only right that we dive into the story of the most famous mother of all—Mary, the mother of Jesus. Aside from being mom to the Savior of the world, there's also a very important lesson I believe we must take from her. 

The Angelic Encounter

Picture this: Mary is minding her own business when Gabriel, the angel, pops in with a life-changing announcement (Luke 1:26-30). Now, I don't know about you, but if an angel appeared to me, I'm out! (Just not quite that holy yet. Don't judge me.) But not Mary! Sure, she was "confused and disturbed" (which is angelic-speak for "freaking out"), but she listened. Gabriel assured her that she was favored by God and would give birth to the Son of God. Her response? "How can this happen? I am a virgin." (Luke 1:34). Classic Mary—straight to the point.

Mary: The Ideal Follower

What makes Mary remarkable isn't just her virgin birth claim. It's her faith and obedience. When Gabriel explained how the Holy Spirit would make this miracle happen, Mary simply said, "I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true" (Luke 1:38). Talk about faith under pressure! Imagine if you were told you'd give birth to the Son of God. I can see many folk's response right now. "...Let me pray on that..." with no intentions on getting back to him. Congrats on having that good a prayer life...except no LOL.

Blessed Among Women

Fast forward a few days, and Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth, who declares Mary "blessed among women" (Luke 1:42). Elizabeth's baby even leaps in her womb at Mary's greeting. That's right—Mary's voice was the original baby dance party starter. But why was Mary blessed? Not just because she was Jesus' mom, but because she believed God's promise (Luke 1:45). It's a reminder that faith, not just motherhood, brings blessings.

Followership Over Circumstance

Contrast Mary with Zechariah, who also had a divine encounter. When Gabriel told him he’d have a son, Zechariah's response was more like, "Yeah, right. Have you seen my age? Don't even get me started on my wife!!" (Luke 1:18). I'd say pray for good ol' Zeke, but chances are Elizabeth never heard him say it so he's good. However, his skepticism earned him a divine time-out—mute until his son John was born. Mary, on the other hand, questioned logistics but ultimately trusted God. The lesson here? Faith isn't about understanding every detail but simply trusting in God's plan.

Conclusion: Like Son, Like Mother

Mary's story isn't just about being the mother of Jesus; it's about being a model of faith and obedience. She shows us that true followership is about saying, "I am the Lord's servant," even when the future is uncertain. May we celebrate the faith of Mary and strive to follow her example of trust and devotion. After all, like Son, like mother.


For more insights and reflections, stay tuned to our blog and join us in our weekly services.


— Jordan Brown

Pastor (Ministries and Outreach) [OV] Church

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Called to Follow [Multiply]Family of Churches Called to Follow [Multiply]Family of Churches

The Divine Pattern: Embracing Followership in Christ

🚶‍♂️ **Embrace the Journey of Followership** ✨

In the rhythm of life, there's a profound pattern that shapes not just our actions but the heart and spirit driving them. This pattern is followership, deeply embedded in Christianity. Following Christ isn't about rules; it's about a transformative way of life that changes our hands, hearts, and heads.

Imagine a life captivated by a mission that transforms your core. This is the true Christian life, radically altered by the gospel. The power of God reshapes us from the inside out, making self-help strategies obsolete. With Jesus at the center, we overcome old habits and behaviors.

What does it mean to follow Christ? It’s about imitating Jesus, not losing our identity but finding our true selves in Him. Like the early church, we engage deeply in fellowship, worship, and prayer, living out a radical transformation.

The Holy Spirit’s outpouring at Pentecost wasn’t a one-time event; it marked a new era where God's presence is woven into our daily lives. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we live out the gospel in practical, everyday ways.

Following Jesus means engaging in a community devoted to teaching, fellowship, breaking of bread, and prayer. Our actions are driven by love, not duty. We are called to be both followers and leaders, modeling Christ for others.

Beware of the "imitation breakdown" when our lives don’t reflect vibrant followership. Align your actions with Jesus' teachings, foster unity and love in your community, and ground your mission in the gospel.

Christian followership calls us to active engagement in the world, not as passive observers but as dynamic participants in God's plan. Make Jesus' teachings tangible and real in every interaction, transforming yourself and the world around you.

Join us in this journey of profound transformation and purpose, reflecting Jesus in every thought, word, and deed. Let the Holy Spirit guide you, rooted in a community of believers, driven by divine calling.

🌟 **Read our latest blog post to dive deeper into this transformative journey!** 🌟

#FollowJesus #ChristianLife #Transformation #HolySpirit #GospelLiving #CommunityOfBelievers #DivineCalling #ImitateChrist #FaithJourney

In the rhythm of life, there’s a profound pattern woven into the fabric of our existence—a pattern that reflects not just our actions, but the heart and spirit driving them. This pattern is one of followership, a concept deeply embedded in the essence of Christianity. To be a follower of Christ isn’t merely about adhering to rules; it’s about embodying a way of life that transforms every aspect of our being, especially our hands, hearts, and heads. Imagine a life so captivated by a mission that it changes the core of who you are. This is the life of a true Christian, whose existence is radically altered by the gospel, the power of God unto salvation.

The gospel isn't just a historical account; it's a dynamic force, actively reshaping us from the inside out, rendering self-help strategies and temporary fixes insufficient. The centrality of Jesus in our lives empowers us to overcome the habits and behaviors that tether us to our old selves. But what does it truly mean to follow Christ? It means embracing a life of imitation, where every step we take is a step closer to the example set by Jesus. This journey of imitation is not about losing our identity but finding our true selves in the reflection of Christ. In the early church, as depicted in the Acts of the Apostles, we see a vibrant community of believers who lived out this radical transformation. They were a people marked by a profound commitment to the teachings of Jesus, engaging deeply with each other in fellowship, worship, and prayer. The pivotal event of Pentecost, where the Holy Spirit was poured out, illustrates the transformative power available to every believer. This wasn’t just a momentary event; it was the beginning of a new era in which the presence of God was intimately woven into the daily lives of His people.

The Holy Spirit didn’t just empower them for supernatural acts but enabled them to live out the gospel in practical, everyday ways. To follow Jesus means to engage in a community that mirrors the early church’s practices—devoted to teaching, to fellowship, to breaking of bread, and to prayer. It’s about a life lived in joyful obedience and heartfelt surrender, where our actions are not driven by duty but by love. In this life of followership, every Christian is called to be both a follower and a leader—leading by example. As we imitate Christ, we also become models for others, just as Paul urged his followers to imitate him as he imitated Christ. This chain of imitation forms a beautiful tapestry of discipleship that stretches across time and culture, continuing to grow and expand the kingdom of God. Yet, in our journey, we must be vigilant of the "imitation breakdown," where our lives no longer reflect the vibrant followership they are meant to. This breakdown is evident when our actions do not align with the teachings of Jesus, when our communities lack the unity and love prescribed in Scripture, and when our missions lose their grounding in the gospel. The call to Christian followership is a call to active engagement in the world, not as passive observers but as dynamic participants in God's redemptive plan. It is about making the teachings of Jesus tangible and real in every interaction and every relationship. By living out this call, we not only transform ourselves but also the world around us, making the kingdom of God visible and accessible to all who seek it.

To follow Christ is to enter into a life of profound transformation and purpose, a life that continually seeks to reflect the image of Jesus in every thought, word, and deed. It is a journey of constant growth, guided by the Holy Spirit, and rooted in the community of believers—driven not by mere human ambition, but by the divine calling to live out the love and truth of the gospel.



[Multiply] Executive Director

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Jesus the Lead Follower: Embodying Perfect Followership

🌟 Jesus the Lead Follower: Embodying Perfect Followership 🌟

In a culture that often glorifies leadership, the story of Jesus invites us to explore a deeper, more impactful form of influence—Jesus as the ultimate follower. His life was a masterclass in submission to His Father's will, showing us that true leadership is rooted in faithful followership.

🕊️ From His humble beginnings to His bold actions, Jesus taught us that leadership isn't about exerting power but about aligning perfectly with God's plan. He didn't act on His own but always sought His Father’s guidance, providing the perfect blueprint for all who aspire to lead.

👣 As the Good Shepherd, Jesus didn’t just guide; He laid down His life for His sheep. His followership was an act of profound love and sacrifice, setting a radical standard for all leaders.

📣 Today, we are called to embrace this model. It’s not about leading from the front but leading by example, aligning our actions with God’s will, and putting others before ourselves.

🔗 Dive deeper into how embracing Jesus' example can transform our understanding of leadership and make a lasting impact in our communities and beyond.

🙏 Join us in following the Lead Follower. Let’s learn, serve, and lead in a way that truly honors His legacy.

#Leadership #Followership #Jesus #GoodShepherd #CommunityImpact

In a world that often exalts leadership as the ultimate goal, the biblical narrative invites us to consider a more profound archetype of influence and authority—Jesus, the Lead Follower. This perspective is not only countercultural but also foundational for understanding the dynamics of true leadership as modeled by Christ Himself.

The Paradigm of Followership

Jesus’ life exemplifies perfect followership, characterized by an unwavering submission to the will of the Father. From His humble obedience to His mother at Cana to His spiritual fortitude in the wilderness, Jesus consistently demonstrated that His actions were in direct response to the Father’s leading. This submission was not a sign of weakness; rather, it was the ultimate display of strength and commitment to the mission of God.

Leading by Following

The gospel of John provides profound insights into Jesus' followership, particularly in John 5:16-30. Here, Jesus heals on the Sabbath, which stirs controversy among the religious leaders. His response is telling: He openly acknowledges His actions as flowing from the Father’s will, asserting, "The Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing" (John 5:19). This declaration is not merely theological; it is a practical blueprint for all who aspire to lead. Jesus confirms that true leadership is contingent upon faithful followership.

The Good Shepherd

Further exploring the theme of followership, Jesus identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd in John 10. This metaphor extends beyond mere care and guidance. It encapsulates the essence of sacrificial leadership—laying down one’s life for the sheep. Here, followership and leadership converge in the ultimate act of love and sacrifice. Jesus does not lead from a position of detached authority but from deep involvement and commitment to the well-being of His flock, those who know Him and are known by Him.

Implications for Today’s Leaders

For those called to lead in various capacities, Jesus’ model presents a radical shift from conventional leadership paradigms. Leadership, according to Jesus, is not about asserting one’s will but about aligning one’s actions with a higher purpose. It is about leading from a place of obedience and service, not for personal gain but for the collective good.

A Call to Action

As followers of Christ, we are invited to embody this model of "leading by following." This involves a continuous commitment to discern and align with God’s will, a readiness to serve rather than be served, and a heart oriented towards the needs of others before our own. By doing so, we not only honor the example set by Christ but also contribute to a legacy of godly leadership that can transform lives and communities.

In essence, Jesus’ life challenges us to reconsider our notions of influence and authority. By embracing His example of perfect followership, we discover the true heart of leadership and the path to making a lasting impact in our world and in the local church.



[Multiply] Executive Director

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Called to Follow [Multiply]Family of Churches Called to Follow [Multiply]Family of Churches

Embracing True Leadership: Lessons from David, the Shepherd King

👑 Embracing True Leadership: Lessons from David, the Shepherd King 👑

In a world that often prizes the superficial, the story of David, a humble shepherd turned king, teaches us the profound biblical truth that effective leadership stems from devoted followership. From confronting giants to ruling a nation, David's journey was not about climbing to power but about faithfully following God's guidance at every step.

📜 Dive into our latest blog post where we explore the timeless lessons from David's life that challenge us to rethink leadership. It's not about being the most visible or charismatic; it's about nurturing a heart that seeks and follows God, leading others by this profound example.

🔗 As we walk our paths today, let’s draw inspiration from David's psalms and his life, striving to align our actions with God's will, leading as we follow. Join us in rediscovering leadership through the lens of biblical followership, and let’s transform lives and shape destinies together.

#Leadership #Faith #David #BiblicalLessons #FollowToLead

Leadership and followership are often seen as contrasting roles, yet in the spiritual journey, they are intrinsically linked, reflecting a profound biblical truth: to lead effectively, one must first learn to follow faithfully. This concept is beautifully exemplified in the life of David, a man after God’s own heart and a pivotal figure in the biblical narrative. David’s journey from a humble shepherd boy to the king of Israel is not merely a tale of ascension to power; it's a testament to his devoted followership and leadership under God’s guidance. His life offers crucial lessons on spiritual leadership that are still relevant to us today.

The Call to Follow

David's story begins with a divine summons. Unlike King Saul, who was outwardly impressive, David was chosen for his heart — his capacity to follow God. This choice underscores a critical lesson: God values our internal disposition more than our external qualifications. David was called to follow God, which was the first step toward his leadership. His journey reminds us that effective leadership in God's kingdom starts with a humble and obedient heart towards God.

The Heart of a Follower

Throughout his life, David demonstrated what it means to be a committed follower. His psalms, like the beloved Psalm 23, express deep reliance on and devotion to God. These were not just poetic words; they were reflections of his lived experience. From facing Goliath to evading King Saul’s attempts on his life, David consistently sought God’s guidance. His leadership was born out of these acts of faithful followership.

Followership in Action

David’s life as a follower and leader was marked by service and sacrifice. He served King Saul, even when Saul pursued him out of jealousy. He respected God’s anointing on Saul, illustrating his understanding that true leadership means respecting God’s order, even under duress. David’s eventual kingship was characterized by his role as a ‘nagid’ — the Hebrew word for ‘a ruler under God’s authority.’ This term captures the essence of his leadership style: ruling by following God.

Modern Implications

What does David’s model of leadership mean for us today? In a world that often values appearance and charisma over character, David’s life challenges us to rethink leadership. It’s not about being at the forefront or seeking personal glory. Instead, it’s about following God devotedly and leading others by example. This perspective is particularly crucial in church settings but is equally applicable in our personal lives and workplaces.



[Multiply] Executive Director

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Called to Follow [Multiply]Family of Churches Called to Follow [Multiply]Family of Churches

Embracing Followership: The Lessons from Moses and Beyond

🌟 Embrace the Journey of Followership with Lessons from Moses! 🌟

In the bustling world of leadership, it's easy to get caught up in the allure of power and charisma. But what if leadership is meant to be more about following than leading? Dive into the profound concept of "followership," as exemplified by Moses—a story that challenges the typical boundaries of leadership.

📜 Moses: Not Just a Leader, but a Follower

Moses’ life teaches us about humble beginnings and divine purpose. From his days in the Egyptian palace to leading the Israelites, his path was shaped by a faithful following of God’s will, teaching us that true leaders are first followers.

🚨 Facing Today's Leadership Crisis

Our churches face a pressing leadership shortage, with millions of churches globally but not enough pastors. This crisis highlights the need to return to biblical followership—where leading starts with following God.

🌍 Followership in Action in The Multiply Family of Churches

At Multiply, we embrace followership by prioritizing community needs and aligning with God’s vision. This approach ensures our leadership is about service, not just authority, especially crucial in today’s challenging societal landscape.

🙌 Why Followership Matters Theologically

God crafts leaders to manifest His glory, not their own. Moses’ story reflects this, with his life showcasing God’s power through every miracle, from the plagues in Egypt to the crossing of the Red Sea.

🔍 Practical Steps to Effective Followership

Regardless of your role—church leader, business professional, or educator—your leadership quality should be measured by your ability to follow Christ. Moses’ journey from a royal palace to a desert well was his divine training ground, preparing him for greater tasks ahead.

✨ Conclusion: The Power of Followership

Just as the Apostle Paul said, "follow me as I follow Christ," we are called to embrace the places and situations God sets before us. This approach not only cultivates a robust leadership dynamic within the church but also ensures that God's glory remains at the center of our efforts.

Let's rethink leadership. By shifting our focus from leading to following, we unlock the true potential of leadership as God intended. Join us on this transformative journey and see how the lessons from Moses can impact your life today!

👉 Like, Comment, and Share to inspire others with the power of Biblical followership! #Leadership #Followership #ChurchLife #BiblicalWisdom #Moses

In a world where leadership often takes the spotlight, the true essence of leadership is sometimes obscured by the glare of charisma, power, and personal achievement. However, as Christians, our approach to leadership—especially within the church—should be profoundly different. It is not merely about leading but about following. This concept of "followership," as emphasized currently by The Multiply Family of Churches, draws from the biblical narratives of figures like Moses to redefine what true leadership looks like.

Moses: A Portrait of Biblical Followership

The story of Moses is a compelling illustration of followership that transcends the traditional boundaries of leadership. From his initial days in the Egyptian palace to his eventual role as the deliverer of Israel, Moses’ journey is a testament to the fact that God prepares leaders through a path of faithful following.

Moses, despite his royal upbringing and access to the best of everything, chose to align himself with the suffering of his people rather than enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin (Hebrews 11:25-26). This decision marked the beginning of his transformation—a transformation that was not about rising to power in Egypt, but about learning to be a humble follower of God. His eventual escape to Midian, far from being a demotion, was a divine strategy to prepare him for greater responsibilities. In the quiet years of tending sheep, Moses learned patience, humility, and reliance on God—qualities that would define his leadership.

Followership in the Face of Modern Leadership Crisis

Today, the church faces a leadership crisis marked by a shortage of pastors and a changing religious landscape. We must face the stark reality: there are millions of churches around the world but not enough pastors, which puts the effectiveness of church ministries at risk. This crisis calls for a radical return to the principles of biblical followership where leadership is first an act of following God.

The local church, especially in organizations like Multiply, is a vibrant arena for practicing this biblical principle. By prioritizing the needs of the community and aligning with God's vision, churches can model a leadership style that is less about authority and more about service. This shift is crucial in a time when churches are increasingly regulated and challenged by societal changes.

The Theological Imperative of Followership

Theologically, the principle of followership aligns with the nature of God’s glory. God crafts leaders not to showcase their glory but to manifest His own through their lives. Moses’ life underscores this, as his leadership was clearly a testament to God’s power and not his own capabilities. The miracles in Egypt, from the plagues to the crossing of the Red Sea, were divine acts that no human leader, regardless of their charisma or skill, could replicate.

Furthermore, followership addresses the problem of longevity in ministry. The rapid turnover of pastors could be mitigated by cultivating a culture of followership. Leaders who see themselves primarily as followers of Christ are more likely to endure the pressures of ministry because their focus remains on God, not on their personal strength or public image.

Practical Steps Towards Effective Followership

For individuals wondering how to apply these principles in their lives, the call is to focus on followership. This means seeking a deeper relationship with God and allowing that relationship to influence all areas of life. Whether one is a church leader, a business professional, or a teacher, the quality of their leadership should be measured by how they are following Christ. The narrative of Moses teaches us that the environment where we find ourselves, no matter how humble or unexpected, is the training ground for divine purposes. Moses might have thought his life was off course when he ended up at a desert well, but in reality, it was the exact preparation he needed for what was to come.


The journey of followership is about embracing the places and situations God places us in, learning from them, and preparing ourselves for the roles He has ordained for us. As the Apostle Paul aptly put it, our call is to "follow me as I follow Christ." This model not only ensures a healthy leadership dynamic in the church but also fosters a community where the glory of God is the focal point of all endeavors.

Through the story of Moses it's clear that when we shift our focus from being leaders to being followers, we unlock the true potential of leadership as God intended. This paradigm shift can bring about a transformation in the church, marked by resilience, humility, and a deeper communion with God.


— Nic Lombardi

Pastor: The Grace Collective

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The Art of Following Through: Lessons from Michael Jordan and Abraham

🌟 New Blog Alert from Pastor Jordan Brown at [OV] Church! 🌟

🏀💫 "The Art of Following Through: Lessons from Michael Jordan and Abraham" 💫🏀

Ever wondered what basketball legend Michael Jordan and the biblical patriarch Abraham might have in common? It's all about the art of following through—a skill that brings success both on the court and in our spiritual lives.

🌟 In our latest blog, Pastor Jordan Brown delves deep into this theme, drawing parallels between Michael Jordan's precision in basketball and Abraham's unwavering faith in God’s promises. From shooting free throws with his eyes closed to journeying into unknown lands on divine command, these figures teach us the power of commitment and persistence.

📘 Discover how the biblical narrative of Abraham isn’t just a story of obedience, but a profound lesson in followership and faith. It's about laying down our "Isaacs"—our dreams and treasured possessions—and trusting in a greater plan.

🏀 Whether you're a sports fan, a believer, or someone searching for meaning, this blog will inspire you to follow through in every aspect of life. Dive into the full story and find out how to apply these lessons to your own journey.

👉 Read more here:

🙏 Join us in exploring how everyday dedication and spiritual insights can lead to extraordinary outcomes. #FaithInAction #Leadership #FollowThrough

🔗 Don’t forget to share this with friends and family who might find it inspiring!

In the world of sports, Michael Jordan is a legend not just for his skill, but for his unparalleled commitment to excellence. One of the most notable aspects of his game was his ability to "follow through" on his shots, a technique that ensured his actions were carried out with intention and precision, leading to unmatched success on the basketball court. He did this so well that actually shot free throws once with his eyes closed during a game in 1991. And as amazing, competitive, and slightly disrespectful as this is, there's a very valuable lesson that we as believers should take from this: 

This concept of follow-through can extend far beyond the hardwood, serving as a powerful metaphor for commitment and persistence in our spiritual lives.

The biblical story of Abraham serves as a profound example of spiritual follow-through. In Hebrews 11:8-10, we see Abraham, called by God to leave his home without knowing where he was going, responding with unwavering faith. Abraham's journey was not just a physical relocation but a testament to the essence of true followership – a concept deeply rooted in the Christian faith and highlighted through the practice of following Jesus' call to "Come, follow me..." (Matt. 4:19).

In 1988, Robert Kelley introduced the concept of "followership," emphasizing the role of followers in shaping leadership and organizational outcomes. This perspective is crucial in the church's context, where the dynamic between leaders and followers transcends mere obedience to co-create the future through mutual engagement and faith.

Abraham's trial, as detailed in Genesis 22, underscores the essence of followership through his readiness to obey God's command to sacrifice his son Isaac. This narrative is not just about Abraham's willingness to follow God's instruction but also about his unwavering faith in God's provision. His actions, driven by obedience and trust, exemplify the depth of commitment required in our walk with God.

Following through, as Abraham did, involves more than mere compliance; it is about actively engaging in the process of faith, even when the path ahead is unclear. It requires us to lay down our "Isaacs" - our most treasured possessions, dreams, and even our future (just to turn up the intensity, I'll add that we may be asked to lay them down even if it seems God promised them to us Himself!) - trusting that God's plans for us are greater than anything we can imagine.  

Bible and theology professors Rick Langer and Joanne Jung argue that leadership is rooted in followership, suggesting that to lead well, one must first follow well first. Abraham's story illustrates this beautifully. Despite the potential loss of his son, he descended the mountain not with sorrow, but with the assurance of God's promise to make him the father of many nations (Gen. 22:18).

This narrative challenges us to examine our own lives: What is our "Isaac" that we need to lay on the altar? Are we prepared to follow through with the worship and sacrifice God is asking of us? Michael Jordan's follow-through on the basketball court was a result of discipline, practice, and commitment. Similarly, our spiritual follow-through requires us to act with intention, guided by faith and obedience, understanding that true followership is the foundation upon which leadership and purpose are built.

In conclusion, whether on the basketball court or in our spiritual journey, the principle of follow-through is crucial. It's about completing what we've started, trusting in the process, and believing in the promise of what lies ahead. Like Abraham, let us be remembered not just for the steps we've taken, but for how we faithfully followed through, even when the path was uncertain.


— Jordan Brown

Pastor (Ministries and Outreach) [OV] Church

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Called to Follow: Abraham

🌟 Exciting Launch: Discover the Power of Followership with [Multiply] Blog! 🌟

We're thrilled to introduce the [Multiply] blog, kicking off with a groundbreaking series on followership—a concept vital yet often overlooked. Delve into the profound relationship between leaders and followers, especially within our church communities, through the inspiring lens of biblical narratives and Jesus’s teachings.

📚 First up: Abraham's journey of faith and followership in Genesis, offering deep insights into obedience, commitment, and the transformative impact of true followership. This series isn't just about learning; it's about engaging, growing, and actively participating in our faith and communities.

Stay tuned as we explore more biblical figures like Moses, David, and Paul, and uncover practical ways to cultivate impactful followership in our daily lives. Join us on this enlightening journey to understand how followership is foundational to leadership, and how, together, we can follow faithfully and lead in ways that glorify God.

Don't miss out on this unique exploration—perfect for anyone seeking to deepen their faith and leadership skills. Follow us, grow with us, and let's make a difference together. #MultiplyBlog #Followership #FaithJourney


Welcome to the new [Multiply] blog!

Our first blog series is titled “Called to Follow” and supplements the current preaching series at the [Multiply] churches!

Churches are constantly talking about leadership, but how often do we consider the importance of followership? 

Have you ever thought about what it means to be a great follower, especially in your church community? 

Well, that's what we're going to explore here together over the next several weeks.

The term followership may not be a normal part of our everyday vocabulary, yet its significance is profound. 

Historical leadership studies have largely fixated on the notion of innate leadership qualities, epitomized by theories such as the “Great Man Theory." However, Robert Kelley introduced a pivotal shift in perspective by highlighting a frequently overlooked aspect: the follower. According to Kelley, our personal and church-related spheres are filled with followers whose contributions and significance we often neglect to acknowledge.

Followership critically examines the symbiotic relationship between leaders and followers, asserting that successful leadership is a collaborative endeavor. This perspective is especially relevant to our churches, echoing Jesus's invitation to His disciples: "Come, follow me." Thus, at the core of Christianity is the call to follow.

Effective followership transcends mere obedience. It entails:

  • a deep-seated commitment to our collective mission,

  • a fervent enthusiasm for our faith, 

  • and a proactive engagement in the church's endeavors. 

It is about cultivating a community that learns, grows, and actively disseminates Jesus's teachings.


In our exploration of followership within a biblical context, we turn our attention to one of the most important figures in the Judeo-Christian tradition: Abraham. Abraham's journey, as detailed in Genesis, offers profound insights into the essence of true followership and its implications for our understanding of leadership, faith, and obedience to God's calling.

Abraham, originally called Abram, stands as a great example of faith and followership in the biblical narrative. His story begins with a divine call to leave his homeland, his people, and his father's house for a land that God promises to show him (Genesis 12:1). This moment marks a pivotal point not only in Abraham's life but also in the history of followership as it pertains to our faith tradition. Abraham's response to God's call embodies the core attributes of followership: 

  1. deference to authority, 

  2. zeal for the mission, 

  3. and an unwavering commitment to follow, despite uncertain outcomes.

Abraham's followership is characterized by his readiness to listen and his willingness to act on God's commands without full knowledge of where it would lead him. This leap of faith is a testament to his trust in God's promise and his role as a follower. His journey reflects a relational dynamic between leader and follower that is not based on blind obedience but on trust, dialogue, and mutual respect. God's promise to make Abraham a great nation, bless him, and make his name great (Genesis 12:2) is contingent upon Abraham's active participation in this covenant relationship.

Moreover, Abraham's followership is not passive but active and dynamic. It involves making difficult decisions, such as the decision to leave his homeland and later, to agree to sacrifice his son Isaac, a test of faith that epitomizes the depth of his commitment to follow God's will (Genesis 22). These acts of faith and obedience highlight the complexity of followership, which entails both internal conviction and external action.

Abraham's journey also illuminates the concept of followership multiplication, a principle that is as relevant today as it was in biblical times. Through his willingness to follow, Abraham becomes the father of nations, and his followership catalyzes a chain of events that shapes the trajectory of biblical history. His story is a powerful reminder that the impact of true followership extends far beyond the individual, contributing to a larger narrative and mission.


In reflecting on Abraham's example, we are invited to reconsider our own approach to followership within our communities and our personal faith journeys. Abraham teaches us that followership is foundational to leadership, that trust and obedience are paramount, and that the path of followership is one marked by challenges, growth, and profound rewards.

As we continue to explore the rich tapestry of biblical followership, let us draw inspiration from Abraham's example, embracing the call to follow with courage, faith, and a heart open to where the journey might lead us. Abraham's story is not just a testament to his faith; it is a guiding light for all who seek to navigate the complex interplay between leading and following in a world that desperately needs both.


Throughout this series, we will delve into biblical narratives showcasing the followership of figures such as Moses, David, and Paul, illustrating how their followership informed their leadership. Additionally, we will explore practical avenues for cultivating impactful followership within our own churches and daily lives.

We are thrilled to embark on this journey with you, exploring the transformative potential of followership in enriching our church life and deepening our connection with Jesus. Keep an eye out for our next installment, where we will further unpack the concept of followership and its pivotal role in our collective faith journey. Let us engage in this learning process together, aspiring to follow faithfully and lead in a manner that glorifies God.


Robert E. Kelley, “In Praise of Followers,” Harvard Business Review. Volume 66, Number 6 (November 1988).

Richard Langer and Joanne J. Jung. The Call to Follow: Hearing Jesus in a Culture Obsessed with Leadership. Crossway, 2022.


— AAron Dininny

[Multiply] Executive Director

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