Jesus the Lead Follower: Embodying Perfect Followership

In a world that often exalts leadership as the ultimate goal, the biblical narrative invites us to consider a more profound archetype of influence and authority—Jesus, the Lead Follower. This perspective is not only countercultural but also foundational for understanding the dynamics of true leadership as modeled by Christ Himself.

The Paradigm of Followership

Jesus’ life exemplifies perfect followership, characterized by an unwavering submission to the will of the Father. From His humble obedience to His mother at Cana to His spiritual fortitude in the wilderness, Jesus consistently demonstrated that His actions were in direct response to the Father’s leading. This submission was not a sign of weakness; rather, it was the ultimate display of strength and commitment to the mission of God.

Leading by Following

The gospel of John provides profound insights into Jesus' followership, particularly in John 5:16-30. Here, Jesus heals on the Sabbath, which stirs controversy among the religious leaders. His response is telling: He openly acknowledges His actions as flowing from the Father’s will, asserting, "The Son can do nothing by Himself; He can do only what He sees His Father doing" (John 5:19). This declaration is not merely theological; it is a practical blueprint for all who aspire to lead. Jesus confirms that true leadership is contingent upon faithful followership.

The Good Shepherd

Further exploring the theme of followership, Jesus identifies Himself as the Good Shepherd in John 10. This metaphor extends beyond mere care and guidance. It encapsulates the essence of sacrificial leadership—laying down one’s life for the sheep. Here, followership and leadership converge in the ultimate act of love and sacrifice. Jesus does not lead from a position of detached authority but from deep involvement and commitment to the well-being of His flock, those who know Him and are known by Him.

Implications for Today’s Leaders

For those called to lead in various capacities, Jesus’ model presents a radical shift from conventional leadership paradigms. Leadership, according to Jesus, is not about asserting one’s will but about aligning one’s actions with a higher purpose. It is about leading from a place of obedience and service, not for personal gain but for the collective good.

A Call to Action

As followers of Christ, we are invited to embody this model of "leading by following." This involves a continuous commitment to discern and align with God’s will, a readiness to serve rather than be served, and a heart oriented towards the needs of others before our own. By doing so, we not only honor the example set by Christ but also contribute to a legacy of godly leadership that can transform lives and communities.

In essence, Jesus’ life challenges us to reconsider our notions of influence and authority. By embracing His example of perfect followership, we discover the true heart of leadership and the path to making a lasting impact in our world and in the local church.



[Multiply] Executive Director


Embracing True Leadership: Lessons from David, the Shepherd King