The Vision of Faith
A Battle for the Truth
Since the beginning of time, there has been a battle raging—one that is not fought with swords or armies but in the hearts and minds of people. It started in the garden and has continued through every generation. The enemy’s greatest weapon? Deception. And one of his most effective lies is convincing people that salvation must be earned. This was the very trap that the Galatian church fell into, believing that faith in Christ wasn’t enough—that they also needed to uphold the works of the law to be right with God. But Paul didn’t hold back. He called them foolish, not because they lacked intelligence, but because they had abandoned the truth they once knew. The same battle still rages today. Will we trust in the finished work of Christ, or will we fall for the lie that we must prove ourselves worthy?
The Power of True Faith
The message of the gospel is simple but profound: we are justified by faith alone. Nothing we do—no act of service, no religious ritual—can add to what Christ has already accomplished. Paul challenged the Galatians in chapter three with four rhetorical questions to drive this point home. How did they receive the Spirit? By faith. How were they being transformed? By the Spirit’s work, not their own effort. Their salvation wasn’t something they earned; it was something they received. Yet, how often do we fall into the same trap? We equate our standing with God to how much we do rather than who we trust. But faith is not a feeling or a fleeting emotion—it is a firm confidence in the promises of God, a trust that shapes our lives and changes our actions.
The Legacy of Abraham
To reinforce the truth, Paul pointed the Galatians back to Abraham. Long before the law was given, Abraham was declared righteous—not because of his works, but because of his faith. He believed God’s promises, even when they seemed impossible. And that kind of faith—trusting fully in God’s word—is what makes us his spiritual children. The beauty of the gospel is that this promise extends beyond one nation or one people group. From the very beginning, God’s plan was to bless all nations through faith. We are part of that promise, and our call is clear: to walk in faith and to share this message with the world.
Holding Firm to the Gospel
In a world filled with shifting opinions and so-called enlightened perspectives, we must guard the truth of the gospel. Paul warned the Galatians that they had been "bewitched"—led astray by a message that sounded good but was ultimately false. Today, we face the same danger. Culture tells us that truth is relative, that faith is outdated, that we need to "earn" our worth. But God’s word stands unshaken. When we root ourselves in Scripture, we hear His voice clearly. When we cling to the message of the cross, we walk in true freedom. Salvation is not about what we can do—it’s about what Christ has done. Our response? Faith that stands firm.
[Multiply] Executive Director