The Position of Faith
The Power of the True Gospel
The gospel is not just another message—it is the story that changes everything. From creation to restoration, this story has the power to bring life from death. But here’s the truth: at our core, we resist it. We want to believe that we can earn our way to God, that our efforts and good deeds will make us acceptable. This is exactly what happened in the early church. Some tried to add rules and rituals to the gospel, thinking Jesus wasn’t enough.
Paul wouldn’t stand for it. He made it clear: there is only one gospel. No system, no effort, no personal achievement can make us right with God. Only faith in Christ can. And yet, even today, people struggle with the same temptation—to trust in their own efforts rather than the finished work of Jesus.
The Danger of Playing It Safe
It’s one thing to know the truth; it’s another to stand by it when it’s inconvenient. Even Peter, one of Jesus' closest followers, slipped up. Out of fear, he pulled away from eating with Gentiles because of Jewish customs. His actions spoke louder than his beliefs, and Paul called him out for it.
What about us? Do we shrink back when culture, fear, or peer pressure make it hard to stand for the gospel? It’s easy to let fear drive our decisions, to go along with what’s comfortable instead of holding fast to the truth. But when we do that, we don’t just affect ourselves—we risk leading others astray. Like Paul, we need the courage to live out the gospel boldly, even when it’s unpopular.
Justified by Faith, Not by Works
Paul’s confrontation with Peter launched one of the most powerful truths in all of Scripture: justification by faith alone. This is the core of the gospel—God declares us righteous, not because of what we do, but because of what Jesus has done. The law was never meant to save; it was meant to show us our need for a Savior.
The world tells us to prove ourselves. Work harder, be better, earn your place. But the gospel tells a different story. It says that Jesus did the work we could never do. It tells us to stop striving and start trusting. If we could earn righteousness through our own effort, then Christ’s sacrifice would be pointless. But because we can’t, His grace is everything.
A Life That’s Truly Alive
Paul says, “I have been crucified with Christ, and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.” This is the great exchange—our old life of sin and striving is gone, and now we live by faith in the One who gave Himself for us. This isn’t just about eternity; it’s about today. A life of faith is a life of freedom, peace, and joy.
So why do we still carry guilt? Why do we still try to earn what has already been given? When we truly grasp what it means to be justified by faith, everything changes. We stop performing for God’s approval because we already have it in Christ. We stop living in fear and start living in the confidence of His love.
This is what it means to live by faith. This is what it means to be truly alive.
[Multiply] Executive Director