Take some time with God’s Word during this season and (re)discover what it truly means to abide in Him. Use the start of the new year to begin/strengthen new/existing habits and rhythms of resting in Jesus. The point of a Bible reading plan is not just to follow the plan, as much as it is to use the plan to expose your heart to God’s means of grace in shaping and molding your life into the image of Christ. The ultimate goal of the Abide experience is to search our hearts and ask “Does this element of my life draw me nearer to His presence, and if not what can I do to better it?” Invite a friend to read with you for accountability.

Reset your daily, weekly, and monthly habits as a starting point for commitment to spiritual formation. Spiritual formation is the deepening of your relationship with God as you are formed to be more like Jesus. All too often, we find ourselves entrenched in habits that distract us and/or prevent us from being able to discern and even obey the Holy Spirit. It is helpful to take a step back and ask, What do I have? What do I need? We should each also examine our daily routine and ingrained habits: What am I doing that strengthens my relationship with God? What am I doing that weakens my relationship with God? Set aside time to (re)assess, or (re)examine, where you are growing and where you need growth. What follows are a few suggestions to help you begin this journey into the new year.

As we grow to be more healthy followers of Jesus, some old habits will need to be broken by (re)establishing rule and rhythm in our lives. Let’s agree on a couple things before we get started. Everything we provide for you in this guide is to help you practice following Jesus. Not to help you perform for Him, or earn His favor. It’s to help you slow down and abide in the vine. And that is the one rule we begin with in 2025 - slow down and abide with Jesus.

Here are some ideas to help you out:

Use this month of “Abide” to read the Word using the guide provided
and practice these things as you are led by the Holy Spirit.

(This “rule and rhythm” section is adapted from johnmarkcomer.com/unhurry.
Visit the site for much more detailed information

Grab a journal and write out your thoughts using the SOAP format each day you read the Bible.

S – Scripture

After reading the section of Scripture from your Bible reading plan, write out the verse (or verses) that you believe God’s Spirit is highlighting for you to further reflect on. Read the section of Scripture again.

O – Observations

Make some observations about this verse by asking some key questions. What is the context of this verse? What does this verse reveal about God? About humanity? Is there a command to keep? Is there a timeless principle to live by? How does this verse point to Jesus and the good news found in him? (Think SWORD Method)

A – Application

Consider how this verse applies to your life. Write the personal response you believe God wants you to make.

P – Prayer

Write out a simple prayer to God. Express your heart-felt response related to what he illuminated to you that day from Scripture. Pray this written prayer and expand on it with spontaneous prayers of praise, thanks, confession, or petitions.

We want to start this new year by spending time with Jesus. In Matthew 11:29 Jesus says, learn from me.

This is what we seek to do. Use SOAP Journaling when going through the reading plan.

Day 1. Mt 3; John 1:29-34 - Jesus is baptized by John, initiating the start of ministry

Day 2. Mt 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13 - Jesus is tempted

Day 3. John 2-3 - Jesus turns water to wine and reveals more of who He is

Day 4. John 4:1-42 - Jesus and the Samaritan woman

Day 5. John 4:43-54; 5:1-47 - Jesus addresses concerns after healing people

Day 6. Luke 4:14-30; Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37; Matt 8:14-17; Mark 1:29-34; Luke 4:38-41; Matt 4:23-25 - Jesus is rejected and heals

Day 7. Matt 4:18-22; Mark 1:14-20; 2:13-17; Luke 5:1-11; 6:12-15 - Jesus chooses His disciples

Day 8. Matt 5:1-42; Luke 6:20-26 - Jesus on the Mount Part 1

Day 9. Matt 5:43-6:34; Luke 6:27-36 - Jesus on the Mount Part 2

Day 10. Matt 7:1-29; Luke 6:37-49 - Jesus on the Mount Part 3

Day 11. Luke 7:36-50; 8:1-3 - Jesus and the Sinful Woman

Day 12. Matt 13:1-58 - Jesus and the Kingdom Part 1

Day 13. Mark 4:1-34; Luke 8:4-18 - Jesus and the Kingdom Part 2

Day 14. Matt 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:19-56 - Jesus, Lord over all creation Part 1

Day 15. John 6:1-71 - Jesus, Lord over all creation Part 2 (BONUS: Matt 14:13-33; Mark 6:30-52; Luke 9:10-17)

Day 16. Luke 9:18-62; Mark 8:27-9:41 - Jesus begins to reveal His identity Part 1

Day 17. Matt 16:1-18:6 - Jesus begins to reveal His identity Part 2

Day 18. John 7:1-53 - Jesus begins to reveal His identity Part 3

Day 19. John 8:1-59 - Jesus begins to reveal His identity Part 4

Day 20. Matt 10:5-11:1; Mark 6:7-13 - Jesus commissions for His mission Part 1

Day 21. Luke 9:1-6; 10:1-42 - Jesus commissions for His mission Part 2

Day 22. John 9:1-41 - Jesus heals a blind man

Day 23. Luke 13:1-14:35 - Jesus journeys to Jerusalem

Day 24. Luke 15:1-16:31 - Jesus teaches in parables Part 1

Day 25. Luke 17:1-18:43 - Jesus teaches in parables Part 2

Day 26. Matt 19:1-15; Mark 10:1-16; Luke 18:15-17 - Jesus teaches on family

Day 27. Matt 19:16-30; Mark 10:17-31; Luke 18:18-30 - Jesus teaches on riches

Day 28. John 10:1-42 - Jesus the good shepherd

Day 29. John 11:1-12:11 - Jesus raises the dead

Day 30. Matt 20:17-34; Mark 10:32-52; Luke 18:31-19:37 - Jesus prepares for the end