I Got a TESTimony
I genuinely can say that I can recall a me that I don’t even know anymore. I’m sure we all do, but yeah…if we’ve been found by Jesus and navigated the waters of becoming more Christlike then we can all admit that we probably wouldn’t recognize our past selves…at all.
This is because, simply put, some stories can only be written by God. Take a moment and think about where you were before Christ found you—before His grace changed your heart, before His truth reordered your life. The beauty of the gospel is that it does not require us to clean ourselves up before approaching God. No, it is God who does the cleaning, the transforming, and the restoring.
Paul’s story is proof of this. Once a man who hunted down Christians with relentless zeal, he became the very thing he despised—a preacher of the gospel. How does something like that happen? Simple: God’s grace is greater than any past, more powerful than any sin, and capable of turning even the hardest heart into a testimony of His love. Paul didn’t just change his mind; his entire being was made new. That’s the kind of transformation only God can do.
A Testimony That Speaks for Itself
True change doesn’t need a public relations campaign. When God does something real in your life, people will see it. Paul didn’t have to announce that he was a different man. The people around him could see it. The same Paul who once persecuted the church was now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy. That’s the kind of testimony that makes people stop and say, “Only God.”
And here’s the thing—your testimony is supposed to do the same. It doesn’t have to be dramatic to be powerful. The question is not how flashy your transformation is, but whether it’s real. Does your life reflect the undeniable work of God? Can people look at you and see that something is different? If so, your testimony is already doing the work of pointing others to Christ. If not, maybe it’s time to ask: What has Christ done in me that I haven’t acknowledged?
Called for a Greater Purpose
Salvation is not the end of the story—it’s the beginning. Many people rejoice in being saved but never ask, “What was I saved for?” Paul didn’t just receive salvation; he received an assignment. He understood that the grace that saved him was the same grace that sent him.
God’s call on your life is not a suggestion. He didn’t redeem you so that you could return to life as usual. There is a work to be done—a Kingdom to build, a mission to fulfill. You don’t need anyone else’s permission to walk in the purpose God has set before you. Paul didn’t consult with others to validate his calling; he simply obeyed. The same is true for you. If God has called you, step forward. Walk in the work He has prepared for you.
The Power of a Life Redeemed
Paul’s testimony wasn’t just for him—it was for those who would witness it. A genuine encounter with Jesus always results in a testimony that points back to Him. And when people see the power of Christ at work in someone’s life, they have only two choices: to deny it or to glorify God because of it.
Your testimony is not just about you. It’s about what God is doing through you. And that’s why you can’t afford to keep quiet about it. Share your story. Let the world see the evidence of God’s goodness in your life. Because when all is said and done, one thing will remain true: God has written a story worth telling.
— Jordan Brown
Pastor (Ministries and Outreach) [OV] Church