God and Money
Everything Belongs to God
When we reflect on our possessions, achievements, and even our very existence, one truth becomes clear: all of it originates from God. Scripture reminds us that we are stewards, not owners, of the resources and opportunities we’ve been given (John 3:27; 2 Pet 1:3). From the breath in our lungs to the talents we possess, everything is a gift from a Creator who entrusts us to manage His creation. This perspective shifts our focus from self-centered accumulation to God-centered stewardship. Recognizing God’s ownership is the foundation for living a life that honors Him.
The Treasure Principle
“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt 6:21). These words of Jesus point to a profound truth: our character and priorities are revealed by what we value most. If we cling tightly to earthly riches, we risk neglecting eternal treasures. Worldly wealth is temporary, fleeting, and ultimately unreliable. But when we use our resources—time, money, and talents—to invest in God’s kingdom, we store up treasures that will never fade. This isn’t about empty generosity or guilt-driven giving; it’s about aligning our hearts with God’s eternal purposes and finding joy in serving Him.
Shrewd Stewardship
In Luke 16, Jesus tells a parable of a shrewd manager who uses his resources to prepare for an uncertain future. While the manager’s actions may seem dubious, the lesson is clear: we are called to be intentional and wise in how we handle God’s resources. Shrewd stewardship means leveraging what we’ve been given to benefit others and further God’s kingdom. It’s not about hoarding or indulging but about using our wealth to create eternal impact. Are we using our resources to reflect God’s generosity and make an eternal difference?
Faithful in the Small Things
Jesus teaches that how we handle small responsibilities reveals our capacity for greater ones. Whether it’s managing finances, nurturing relationships, or serving others, faithfulness in the present prepares us for the future. This principle applies to every area of life: time, talents, and treasures. If we are trustworthy with what is temporary, we prove ourselves ready for what is eternal. God’s call to stewardship is a call to live with integrity, purpose, and a focus on what truly matters. By trusting Him with what we have now, we lay a foundation for a life that glorifies Him forever.
As we navigate the opportunities and challenges of life, may we remember this: everything we have is from God, for God. Let’s live with open hands, generous hearts, and a steadfast focus on eternity.
[Multiply] Executive Director